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[COURT OF SWORDS // E60 Q&A] The Wheel is a Game of Chance

Agreed; good point. I think Adam made a good call circumventing that issue. It’s a hard thing to resist when you look at your sheet and see most tools pointing to violence.

Now this, this is interesting. It reminds me of the inspiration system for the Character’s personality traits, flaws, bonds and etc. I wonder if Adam would think it might be fun to implement a way that these things could augment or boost exp that a character receives for a goal, or have some other impact. Like static, passive social modifiers that describe basic things about the character that have some impact in game to help make up for the slowing of exp due to combat no longer being the primary source. I might implement something like this in my games in any case. Cool idea.

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Thanks. This idea was stolen from a similar method to how they did Mirrorshades which I believe was inspired by how Burning Wheel works.

I think the real problem is that the players currently aren’t experienced with setting good goals. This causes a lot of the courses they naturally pursue while playing their characters to feel unrewarding. I think the best solution is to just continue with the system at hand, but maybe try to do more coaching on what good goals could be, which I know you already are doing. The new system is causing a lot of discussion(interest). So, in my mind, it seems it is currently a success. I said earlier, right after the show, that I am tired of the tower shadowing so much, but yall never cease to entertain. Keep up the good work! p.s. I am soo excited for the live-live show

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I have to agree with this last. Perhaps encouraging the players to set upon a plan for each session before setting goals would help to eliminate some of the goals that end up wasted; sometimes, I feel like setting goals at the beginning of the session is a challenge because the cast is a bit foggy on the details of what is going on right at the beginning. Maybe tentative goals should be set the end of the session to be reviewed at the beginning of the next?

Also, the three-goal limit is a bit frustrating. And while big goals paying off big worked well in Swan Song, that was a different system and a different world, and I feel like the cast sometimes gives up on big, worthwhile goals after the story takes a detour. Perhaps only being able to receive experience for completing three goals in a session, but having the ability to “float” the bigger ones (just in case they end up resolving during that session). Alternately, it might be worth taking some time with players to detail how to comminute those epic goals such that they pay out more regularly.

I was also intrigued by the suggestion earlier by profnesbitt that the instinct (inspiration) system might be adapted to the goal system. i.e., taking a serious risk that challenges your character in pursuit of a goal might be grounds for an incremental XP reward. Ramus attempting to resurrect Xeridas despite the fact that everyone was retreating is not quite enough to qualify, because there were potential benefits to success that were worth the risk, but had he, say, interposed himself between Xeridas and the Hezrou, then had he survived doing so (given that he had no guarantee that would have been either effective or survivable), I’d say that was worth 10% of the XP of the goal as a total. On the other hand, doing so would have been completely out of character, which negates the validity of the example. I’m struggling to think of a better one.

The flip side to this, which is invisible to us, is that Adam is likely calibrating the XP to the difficulty both ahead of time and in the moment: had Ramus succeeded in saving Xeridas in that fashion, the XP reward may have been substantially greater than resurrecting Xeridas would in straits less dire.

As things stand, I feel like gaming the goal system is going to be necessary, which seems like it could cheapen it a mite in the long run. The big one that always sticks out to me is Mr. Sicarian’s goal of defeating Mr. Titan. If any experience was derived from that, it never played in the campaign.

…Although, come to think of it, I’ll bet that’s why he got the Thunder Gun and Power Armor, which was effectively a big-time level-up. Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I think we’re a bit too caught up in the numbers. I’ll bet Adam will continue to insert effective power-ups (Berg’s arm, Ramus’s fire resistance) into the game regardless of levels, which will in turn make level-ups more significant and memorable. The system is fine, never mind. Sorry for the stream of consciousness post.

with how random some episodes seem to develop and the inability of players to make goals that can be accomplished short term ,i feel like they are not getting the xp to level according to what they accomplish.

you thought about the idea to let them switch out a goal during break, just so they can adjust to what random shit is happening around them. maybe adjust the xp given for this goal so it can’t be powergamed.

just an idea that popped up in my head, would love to hear your thoughts

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@AdamKoebel riffing on this post how about or why not just having both long term (1?) and short term (3?) goals.

Short term being what they want to accomplish this session and long term might be for goals that might take or should be taken over multiple sessions and be character defining or altering.


Heheheh… the change of heart after all of that made me laugh :smiley:

And you are totally right, Adam has effectively, through narrative instead of levelling, distributed a couple of boons that have powered-up the characters, and that happened even before the revamp of the show.

I feel it’s working fine as it is. The players are getting used to it and adapting their goals to be easier to accomplish or shorter term endeavours.

It’s true that this tendency could lead the players to stop subscribing their big meaningful goals but at the same time they also might be realising that they generally only accomplish one or, less frequently, two short term goals per session and decide they can very well keep one of the goals as a long term one.

But truth be told I might not be exactly the kind of viewer that would have an issue with the xp system in place. I not only don’t feel this need that some of the viewers here appear to have for regular and speedy power growth, I don’t care much for the completely narrative detached, inorganic, levelling system of D&D, I also tend to appreciate more (for the PCs and not so much the setting) the less outlandish, maybe low-fantasy, feel of the lower levels of D&D. So my opinion on the matter might not be much to go on.