some day, Berg.

If you think Berg is hard to kill now, wait until next level and persistent rage:
Beginning at 15th level, your rage is so fierce that it ends early only if you fall unconscious or if you choose to end it.
Hey @AdamKoebel some of these questions bother me. Care to answer them?
So in the world the party members are currently in could find mostly legendary items in it from stories of people? Does that mean it’s like a trash point for people?
Is there more of Emperor’s Fei set of battle stuff he had in the History other than the Hammer and Pillars of the Gate?
Why was Berg able to recognize the statue/body from Heaven when in back in the episode when he looked himself at the Mirror he saw only his face and not the face of the said statue/body?
What was the statue/body doing there if Heaven didn’t know anything about the location the party members were in to begin with?
Was that Lich some form of twisted soul that used the statue/body of Heaven of Berg?
If so how did it survive for so long?
@AdamKoebel Do you have any tricks for coming up with such amazing magic item names, or is it just talent?
When Amira said she might have thrown up inside the suit, it occurred to me, how will our voidlings manage to bathe once they reach the World if they’re stuck in their vein suits all the time? Do voidlings need to defecate?
It’s a lot of practice. Just like, years and years of making up fantasy bullshit on the fly.
I haven’t really thought about it yet! I guess we’ll find out!
It’s possible there will be some change when they cross the threshold so they no longer need the suits. It is also possible that the party can have magical items crafted for the two of them when they reach the other side, and those magic items will take the place of the masks (like Ramus’s amulet). There are probably other solutions too!
Hey @AdamKoebel just wanted to touch on a couple things regarding Berg in his Rage beyond Death feature. I looked up the various keywords that would be referenced, so they are listed on page 197 in the PHB for Dropping to 0 Hit Points, and page 292 for the unconcious condition.
I bring these up because while Berg may be at zero hit points, he remains concious, therefore he would only get a single death saving failure rather than two (unless it was a natural critical) in response to taking damage.
Just wanted to point it out and give a little help for it going forward. Loved the show!
It seems to be a place where the stories of these items end.
One more thing, yep!
Easy to recognize what belongs to you, I guess.
Things wash downstream, right?
She was a vicious mara spirit placed here to guard the construct-body of Berg.
Time doesn’t pass normally down here.
Berg in last man standing mode reminds me of that absolutely terrible Jackie Chan movie “The Medallion”. Every injury just glows with light instead of bleeding, then heals a second later.
I have a specific question regarding ability scores: Since Bergs based strength was an 18 before he took the belt, could he increase his strength score with an ability score increase and end up having 27 strength or does the magic item cap his strength score altogether? Cause looking at barbs late game ability score increases become very relevant, just as a class feature.
I doubt it, sounds like it’s a Belt of Fire Giant Strength which just sets your STR to 25.
The item in question makes your stat 25, rather than giving a static bonus.
Hey @AdamKoebel
You have previously stated that in the void-hole there were specific rules e.g. “Spells and abilities can’t grant you extra actions”. But Mararib was able to use his ‘Action Surge’ ability which gives him an extra action. He used ‘Action Surge’ early in the fight vs the Hag to make three more attacks. Why was he able to do that?
Also Unnamed/Broken Promises was able to use her action to use an item that cast a spell (Dimension Door) and use her quicken ability to cast a spell as a bonus action. Can you normally do that or is that a house rule? It was cool either way.
I was just confused about those decisions. Thank you in advance for your answer!
With 182* points of damage taken, Berg crushed the record that was previously held by Maharib since episode 105 (140 damage)
* not every damage roll got rolled because he was at 0 hp anyways
Berg’s effective hp is probably over 300 right now. Insane.