itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Court of Swords: Berg

Berg, the half-orc, the hero, the immortal. All his friends have died around him but he continues to live on. His love never came into fruition but he continues to live on. This sad sad, not so high intelligence adventurer. Will he survive the jungle, when it has already brought him to his kne-kne-kne-knees-knees?


This is awesome! Love it.

Even the typography on your work is on point. :itmejpgg:

:itmejp10: love your art style. Thanks for sharing.


Also a hell of a scare for someone who didn´t watch the entire episode, I assume the other characters died again?! Afraid to read the Q/A thread. I´m only on start of hour 3 now and it´s intense.

Cheers! I’ve been on a b/w spree lately. Have to offload some art ideas.

I’m never sure how text affects composition but I’m glad it turned out okay. :smiley:

@NoorElBahrain Thanks captain marvel!

@Samstein_ No real spoilers. It’s how Berg usually is. :grin:

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Looks great, would be awesome to see your ideas for the other members of the party! :slight_smile:

Jubilant is already somewhere here in the forums. I might make one for Persnidgetron soon.

didn’t get to see court of sword yet but this looks really nice!

Looks great!