The biggest problem i see, is mentioned a couple of times already. The community is split between too many platforms. This site, Reddit, Twitch, YouTube and Patreon.
For example when people are getting a new video game, where do people go and look for it first hand?.. Steam. The main videogame hub. In this case, what is the Itmejp/Rollplay main hub? I’m sure you have the numbers JP, and can see where the split is. What platform has the highest number. I am by no means an expert in twitch, but as i see it, the perfect situation, for a community like this, would be if everything the above mentioned platforms provide, would be included in twitch, or centralised around twitch. They already have the live shows, and old videos to watch. Does it require a sub to see them? Can’t remember i mainly watch Rollplay on YT. For me i was most active back in the old sub-reddit. That worked because everyone including the castmembers, already spends too much time on reddit. How many of the viewers that watch the shows, also comes here after the shows? If the numbers are low, then why do people not go here? Are the viewers not aware of this site? How well do they know it?
I remember when this site started, it was not easy to navigate (on desktop). The responsive version on mobile is fine.
Maybe there would be something for the Itmejp/Rollplay brand to get, from making a main hub, for roleplay with the other roleplay channels/host around the web? (Dont know how big you are in the roleplay community. I saw it mentioned with Adam on Wizards mothership-site, along with Mercer a couple of times.)
People are lazy today. We want one place to go to, to get everything. Easy and convenient.
I study Online communication and want to work with it when i am done, and i love the content you guys provide, so i am really interested in where this goes, and what you come up with.