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itmeJP Community

[FAR VERONA // E07 // Q&A] Into the Ho's Nest

Oh I know I’m just joking around. Though, they already have a super helpful NPC trying to accomplish their mission with them…


Hahaha you’re awful!

I wonder how many of the conversations Yancy have heard through the thin walls, some of them about him have been quite loud. Must be tough.

This kind of is my sentiment as well! I’ve actually been able to maneuver a little bit on this planet since there aren’t a whole lot of nobles parading around. My character has been able to “do” a little bit more since her hands aren’t tied being on a planet run by nobles that pretend she isn’t there (and who she also does her best to avoid).


So @AdamKoebel if the PC’s want to kill Yancy without legal consequence, could one of them challenge him to a duel?

All but Riley could. Though that would still put them in the sights of a very powerful family. But it would be the best way of getting rid of him imo.

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Riley couldn’t but the others might! Killing Yancy in a duel would have to be done very carefully but yeah it’s possible. It’s also a great way to escalate the enmity from Yancy to Mom and Dad…

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Finally caught up and just finished the post-show! I’ve been absolutely loving the past couple episodes. Seeing how the PC’s deal with the struggles put before them on Hong Lu has been great, and I actually frickin love Yancy as a character. He’s such an asshole, I think seeing what a potential “redemption arc” for him would look like would be really neat, though it sure doesn’t seem like any kind of positive ending is in the cards for him :stuck_out_tongue:

Was a bit sad to hear in the post-show of there being a sense that the character’s frustrations are boiling over to the point of being frustrating in a not-necessarily-fun way for the players too. For what it’s worth, like I said before, think yall are killing it and at least from this viewer’s perspective it has been some of my favorite twitch-TTRPG action yet!

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