No, this website is actually made for the community to be a community, and share ideas. There specific threads where JP, Adam, and crew ask for feedback, but this isn’t one of them. Debatably, the after-episode threads are a place where suggestions could be placed, although it is meant more for discussion and review of what happened, as well as review of what one does or does not like about what happened.
But constantly saying “they should have done this, or could have done that, and because they didn’t, it means they didn’t do as good as a job as they could have.” is telling them they’re doing it wrong. Instead of looking at the fact that they had more issues with casting this year vs last year, but still managed to produce more episodes and one shots despite that, someone responded with “well, they could have made 156 episodes this year, so obviously they didn’t do as good of a job as they could have.”
“You’re right about the drought in episodes, because they only made 9 episodes of one show in the last 14 weeks so they definitely should have been putting out other shows for their viewers.” Yes, that’s a paraphrase of your first post in this thread, along with its implication in regards to the post you were responding to.
No, we aren’t supposed to kiss ass like you’re implying everyone who isn’t a negative nancy does. But constantly responding with “you should be doing better”, is not constructive criticism. It is saying “you’re not doing good enough.”