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itmeJP Community

[E46 Q&A] Aubergine Sphinctrology

That makes sense. Ramus’s choice of where to split the -AC was because we was using the shield, but Berg was carrying his and it wouldn’t be targeted ?
Really enjoyable episode. You’ve been meeting your goal of breaking Berg, and Max, in a way that is both funny and sad.

It would be kind of cool if eventually Enoch took a couple of levels in Rogue to get sneak attack and stuff on top of his Crossbow shenanigans.

Also, when did Adam disallow Enoch’s shield? I rewatched his character creation on a whim and there Adam was totally OK with it.

I think it happened between the character creation and the first episode with that character. Adam thought about it some more and said it didn’t make sense.

it was more that there was some official clarification about it that said “this was a poorly written rule, but here’s the realness vis-a-vis shields” which made sense to me.


A song for Berg

@AdamKoebel Are we going to get some sweet Advanced For of War tonight?

I’d have to go and get it all set up, which I do not have time to do! The next dungeon-type environment will absolutely contain it, though. Tonight we’ll see the new 5e sheet features, though!

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