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[SPOILER DISCUSSION] Let's talk Westworld

[spoiler]It was his sister who was saved by the foundation (for Law and Government?):itmejpwtf: [/spoiler]


Yeah, I just watched it. And holy shit was it a good ep!

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It’s that time of the week again, Westworld has blown my mind.

[spoiler]We start with a story told by Ford, and how narrowly Bill programmed on how to interact with people; Which is a nice set-up for a later scene with tMiB. [/spoiler]

[spoiler] Next up is Dolores, is she starting to hear Arnold’s voice, Logan and William. Logan has a little info on the Park; started by a partnership, one died, thinks the Park is losing a lot of money; can’t find any names on who started the Park, who killed themselves even with a team of lawyers. Why is Ford protecting Arnold’s name and maybe his own so well? Why is Dolores seeing herself, first in the Day of the Dead parade, then as the Tarot reader? Again Ford seems to have greater control over the hosts then others. Has Arnold given the Hosts the ability to lie? What is the plan to destroy the Park and how does Dolores fit into it? Also it’s been 35 years since the park opened. Are they playing with time again or do they have multiples of every host that they switch out when they die? Lawrence goes from dead to alive, one place to the next [/spoiler]

[spoiler]Now to the Man in Black, Lawrence, and Teddy riding somewhere; when the boy who talked to Ford in Ep 2 returns; why would they program a child to start with “are you lost”?, is he there to redirect guests? How does tMiB transfuse Teddy with no needles or IV tubes? TMiB says that the Hosts were so much better in the beginning, a million perfect parts, but looking at Bill I don’t think they were so great [/spoiler]

[spoiler]In the scene of Elsie and the headless Host we learn that someone is smuggling info out, what is so important going on at the Park? Is it just the tech of the Hosts or something else? and does Dolores have the same implant in her arm?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]the ending scene between Robert Ford and tMiB, so nuanced,Teddy protects Ford by reflex even when almost “dead”, tMiB saved the Park in some way; is that why he can do what he likes? Can Ford just reset the health of Hosts even when bleeding out? [/spoiler]
The next few episodes look very interesting, can’t wait


My Theory is that [spoiler]Ford killed Arnold.[/spoiler]

Also I think that Dolores[spoiler] has the ability to rewrite her programming. Just basing that on her line “I imagined a story where I wasn’t the damsel”[/spoiler]


I agree with those theories [spoiler]I just thought of something if Dolores is from when Arnold was alive does that mean she is made of the million perfect little pieces or have they transferred her to different bodies over the years?[/spoiler]


hmmm [spoiler]Didn’t they say that Arnold died before the park was open? So I guess yes, She an Android then became a cyborg later. Yeah I think they do transfer consciousness from body to body. I doubt the body would matter just the “brain” [/spoiler]

Reminds me of something from the Spider-verse event. [spoiler]The inheritors don’t die because they just get downloaded in the next clone body when they are killed[/spoiler]


I have not read too much Spiderman but I was thinking Ghost in the shell with the Major

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So, I haven’t started watching yet(no HBO at the moment), but I’m curious about something. Does the show have any relation at all to the 80’s movie with Yul Brynner? Or is it just same name, same concept, different story?

its based on that film

Yeah, I guess I should clarify lol. Is the show a direct continuation of the film’s story like “this is what happened after the robots became sentient and killed everyone” or is just a revision of the base story, “this is an amusement park filled with robots that are becoming sentient”?

its not a continuation of the film, its the latter of the things you mentioned.

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I have one comment on that TV show… Anthony “Motherfucking” Hopkins !!!


He is unbelievably good in that role.


This show is quickly becoming my favorite one TV. I’m so enthralled by the amazing acting and storytelling. I can’t wait to see where they go with it.


did you see the preview of the next few weeks? they almost outright tell you what Meave will be up to and I can’t wait

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Having rewatched that episode, [spoiler]there’s about a 5 second part of a scene where Maeve is remembering the chop shop in her “dream”, and the butchers mention something about not having time to take out the bullet. So they just sew her up to get her back out quick.[/spoiler]

@Moose2033 [spoiler]looks like you were right about Dolores she is an android. Basing that theory because Bernard ran a search for all the active old models in the park,a and she was one of them. Seams inefficient to have older models that require a different type of maintenance [/spoiler]

[spoiler]Maeve is the new Skynet![/spoiler]

It’s J. J. Abrams all over again. Great setup and intrigue, but he and the writers have probably not thought about any answers, yet.

Same as Lost. When I finally realised that Lost had no idea how to resolve itself and they were making it up as they went along, it got so much more entertaining.

I’ll wait this one out a bit longer, until the end of season one at least and see how people like it then.

[spoiler]To be fair they have mentioned, early on either episode one or two that most of her parts had been replaced to keep her up to date with current models. Potentially the only remaining stuff is core programming.[/spoiler]

There was so much goodness in last nights episode I don’t even know where to start. The webs are [spoiler]amaeving[/spoiler]


WTF this week’s episode was so great, most of the character had some kind of advancement of their plots, [spoiler]with the reveal that Bernard is a host, who else is a host? and that he doesn’t have the prohibition on hurting or killing humans. [/spoiler] this show still has me hooked 7 weeks in and I am glad they they finally gave us a pay-off on all the secrets