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itmeJP Community

Humble Book Bundle including some Mistborn RPG

There were RPG book bundles before. This one contains only a handful or so of RPG books. There’s some Mistborn Adventure books in this bundle. I think it’s the TTRPG. I am not certain.

Edit: Oh, only a day or so left…

when these bundles come along it sucks being such a fan of Sanderson as I already own most of the books and it is so much cheaper to just purchase the books separately

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Haha I feel you. I already own everything on there. At least it will get more people to start reading his books :smiley:

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This bundle was the first I ever heard graphic audio and decided to check out the sample they had of Way of Kings in the hopes that I could maybe listen to the first 2 Stormlight Archive books as a refresher before the 3rd book is released or maybe finally finish the first Mistborn trilogy and go to the following series that are more my style.

Those audiobooks though :itmejpwtf:, I could barely hear the narrator in all that very loud “background” audio.

Get the standard audio book version instead. Michael Kramer and Kate Reading, the team who narrates them, are so much better.